Haikuo Li pic

Welcome! My name is Haikuo Li. I am a Ph.D. candidate student in the Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Program in Molecular Genetics and Genomics) at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine.
I am a member of Humphreys Lab studying mechanisms of tissue injury and fibrosis by single-cell technologies. See Thesis Work to learn more about my graduate studies.

Research Interests:
Single-cell multiomics; Systems biology; Fibrosis and regeneration; Metabolisms; Translational medicine; Cancer

Research Skills:
→ Single-cell and single-nucleus library generation from diverse technologies, including 10X Genomics, split-pool barcoding and INTACT, as well as multimodal profiling
→ Molecular biology technologies such as cloning, vector construction, qPCR, immunohistology, and in-situ hybridization
→ Tissue culture including primary cell isolation, immunocytochemistry and Seahorse metabolic measurement
→ Animal work such as mouse kidney disease surgery (UUO/IRI) and tumor implantation
→ Clinical sample management and processing such as human kidney dissection
→ Protein chemistry including mass spectrometry sample preparation & recombinant protein preparation and protein liquid chromatography
→ Python, R, Shell, Jupyter, PyMOL
→ Single-cell sequencing data preprocessing and analysis including UMAP visualization, data integration, sample demultiplexing, cell trajectory interference, fate mapping, gene activity prediction and multimodal analysis at the million-cell level
→ Analysis of bulk RNA-seq, proteomics and metabolomics data
→ Extensive experience in data mining and discovering biological insights
→ Strong training background in mathematics

Last update: 9/1/2023